About Us
Vlastimil Mazal
Vlastimil is a visionary manager and consultant who based his entire career on one premise: being the single most successful manager in a mundane and tedious field is infinitely better than being just one of Top 10% in an exciting and lucrative one. That`s why he chose Business Operations and Customer Care. That`s also why he opted for the international experience whenever possible, working for American, German, Australian and Czech companies. For the past 15 years, he has been perfecting the balance of people management, process management and technology framework required to attain and retain a high-level performance in a repetitive and constrained setting of a service center. Today, his efforts are coming to fruition in SSC Slovakia. Vlastimil is married and lives in Bratislava.
SELECTED REFERENCES* IBM (Customer Fulfilment Manager)
* E.ON (Head of Integrated Contact Centers)
* Slovenská pošta (Consultant, Call Center Optimization)
* Stredoslovenská energetika (Consultant, Contact Center Optimization)
* ČEZ Slovensko (Consultant, Call Center Outsourcing and Optimization)
Mária Haluzická
Maria is a remarkable people manager who values her ability to construct and develop relationships on all levels of company structure above all else. She is a seasoned Customer Care professional – having had to deal with customers from all walks of life, retail and B2B. She`s a coach and a mentor and for the past 14 years, she`s been working closely with Vlastimil, providing much needed insights into the inner workings of diverse teams and solutions to their issues. Her hard work, dedication and passion have paid off as she has become a partner at SSC Slovakia. Maria is married and lives near Nitra.
SELECTED REFERENCES* E.ON (Back Office Manager, Project Manager for CC Technology)
* ČEZ Slovakia (Consultant, Call Center Outsourcing)
* Stredoslovenská energetika (Interim Director of Customer Service)